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Mystical Creatures that You Should Avoid in the Philippines

November 7, 2021

Philippine Mystical Creatures

On having 7,100+ islands, it is no surprise that the Philippines does have a rich culture and tradition. Aside from being home to different forms of unique art, languages, and beliefs, did you know that we also have our very own kind of mythological creatures? If you haven’t got enough of the spooky season, we got you covered! Here are some Philippine mythological creatures that might scare you but will surely leave you amazed.


Translated to English as “giggle”, this one-eyed giant is described as cheery and always laughing hence its name. They might look big and terrifying, but they could be easily frightened. Don’t judge the book by its cover, you say?


Santelmo is a spirit in a form of a fireball. It is said that it is the lost soul of someone who died near a river or a swamp where they would roam around either seeking vengeance or peace. They are rarely seen, but once you spot them, they will surely chase you make you scream “Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!” 


Like Aswang, a Tiyanak also preys on human flesh and blood. It disguises as a crying innocent infant to lure its victim before attacking them. It is believed that they are a result of aborted fetuses and unbaptized dead infants that are now up for revenge. But who can ever resist a crying and abandoned baby in the middle of nowhere?


These playful tiny creatures could be friendly or hostile. They could give good luck if treated well, and misfortune if disrespected. As generous as they could be, they are also easily offended. As a precaution, when roaming in the woods, people say “Tabi-tabi po” as a sign of respect to those imperceptible to the eye.


This tree-dwelling giant is a heavy smoker as their cigars seem to never burn out. Although often described as hairy, dark-colored, and with terrifying red eyes, they could be friendly too. Just don’t attempt to cut down their home.


Raining while the sun is shining? There’s probably a Tikbalang couple getting married. This Philippine version of centaur has a human torso and horse-like limbs that usually cause hikers to get lost in forests or mountains. If you feel like you’re going around the same place over and over again, a Tikbalang is maybe playing some pranks on you. Not to worry, just wear your shirt reversed and it’ll leave you alone.


A sea creature with a human body and a fishtail. Sirenas are known to have a beautiful face and a euphonious voice that can attract and hypnotize fishermen, making them jump into the water and drown, or else make them part of their world. Little Mermaid? Lol


Aswang is a human by day and shape-shifting creature by night. Their diet is feeding on the blood and flesh of their victims. They usually prey on pregnant women and infants, their kind of Wagyu. They say, to know if someone is an Aswang, try to look at them upside down. If they appear standing upright, you better run.


Got unexplainable sickness? Or unusual things happening to your body? It’s probably Kulam. These sorcerers are believed to be using black magic in causing harm, even death to people. They perform rituals by using a doll, a needle, a photograph, or a piece of the victim’s hair. Could be a proof that humans are more dangerous than the supernatural.


The most famous variety of Aswang that is so well-known, it even got featured on a Supernatural episode. Manananggal is a vampire-like creature that detaches its upper body to its legs at night and flies to look for a meal. It has a superhuman strength that can lift you up in the air with its bat-like wings. To defeat it, you need to find its legs and sprinkle some salt or ash on it so that it can no longer reattach unless you wanna be caught and fly like Wendy in Peter Pan.

Which of these mythical creatures gave you goosebumps?

Whether their existence is true or not, it just shows how abundant and colorful our culture is. It also displays how important respect is to Filipinos. No matter how strange and far-fetched, it plays an important role in the modern-day since it is something that’s been passed on from our ancestor’s history and culture.

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